Friday, January 23, 2009

Poland Tax updates 2009

From 1.1.2009 the new personal income tax rates in Poland are 18% and 32%, replacing the 2008 rates of 19%-40%.
Poland corporate tax rate for 2009 is 19%, same as in 2008 .The standard V.A.T rate of 22% remains unchanged too.
There are some new V.A.T amendments.
The period for V.A.T. refund is shortened to 60 days instead of 180 days V.A.T. on bad debts lasting more than 180 days will be refunded to the seller by the tax authorities.
V.A.T payers can now report to the authorities on a quarterly basis, yet the payments are on a monthly basis.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Israel Tax Rates 2009

From 1.1.2009 the new corporate tax rate in Israel is 26%, compared to 27% in 2008. The top marginal income tax rate for individuals is 46%, compared to 47% in 2008.
There are also new 6 tax brackets for individuals of 10%, 15%, 23%, 30%, 34% and 46%.
V.A.T rate for 2009 remains the same as in 2008, 15.5%.
In 2009 industries and hotels can deduct 50% accelerated deprection for assets bought between 1.6.2008 to 31.5.2009.
The scope of tax grants (negative income tax )covers in 2009 certain low earning employees and self employed.
There are also new tax benefits to newcomers and returning residents to Israel.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Taxation Lawyers

A new and a very interesting website dealing with international lawyers firm is up:
Lawyers firms.

You can check it.